May 1, Seattle, Washington
Town Hall Events: The reading and signing in Seattle took place in the new auditorium at a former Christian Scientist church. The interlucutor, Edward Wolcher, is the curator of events for Town Hall Seattle. The fact that the event was sold out was only slightly undercut by the low price of admission ($5).
I have the great good fortune to be friends with Dan Christiaens, a Norton sales rep, and Pam Meyer, who came to the event and then took me to dinner. Sharon McInnis came down from Vancouver. Jane Richlovsky, a Seattle artist who is the youngest sister of my late friend Mary Beth Richlovsky, came to dinner with Dan and Pam and me. I love that the Richlovskys have stuck with me over the years since Mary Beth died. Jane and I just stared at each other. I have not seen her since she was practicing gymnastics in the back yard of her parents’ home in Parma when she must have been about nine years old. She bears a resemblance to Mary Beth, of course, and has short blond hair cut in a similar way. She has flourished in Seattle, and her sister would be proud.
Also in the signing line was Jeanie Guth, daughter of Dorothy, and we met for coffee the next morning, before I got the 11:30 train to Portland. Thus ended the penultimate gig on this leg of the GREEK TO ME book tour.